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Role of Carbohydrates in Good Nutrition

The word "carbohydrate" means "carbon plus water." Plants use sunlight (photosynthesis) to convert water and carbon dioxide into carbohydrates and oxygen. 

Key Functions
  • When your body needs energy, it looks for carbohydrates first.
  • If you are not consuming enough carbohydrates, your body will look for other sources of energy, such as proteins found in muscle tissue. Proteins, however, are not efficient sources of energy for the body.
  • Carbohydrates also protect your muscles and help regulate the amount of sugar circulating in your blood so that all the cells get the energy they need. 

Food Sources

Carbohydrates come in two forms: simple and complex. Both are composed of units of sugar. The difference is how many sugar units they contain, and how they link together.
  • Simple carbohydrates are sugars that give you instant energy and typically have no nutritional value. These include sweets, candy, and soda.
  • Complex carbohydrates release energy slowly and often contain fiber. These "healthier" forms of carbohydrates include bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals and legumes.


Carbohydrates typically consist of 45 - 60% of your total caloric intake.
  • Research suggests that adult individuals should consume a minimum of 120 - 125 grams of carbohydrates per day to satisfy basic needs.
Check with your local market for the recommended daily intake of carbohydrates.

Safety Evidence

If you consume excess carbohydrates and participate in little or no physical activity, these excess carbohydrates will be converted and stored in the body as fat – which may lead to weight gain and other health risks.


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