Role of Vitamin K in Good Nutrition
Vitamin K is found in food, but it is also created by the bacteria in our intestines. K stands for the Danish word "koagulation," meaning coagulation or clotting.
Key Functions
- Vitamin K is a group of chemicals used by the body to make specialized proteins found in blood plasma (the clear fluid in blood) such as prothrombin. This is the protein chiefly responsible for blood clotting.
- Vitamin K is also needed to make bone and kidney tissue.
Food Sources
Broccoli, cabbage, kale, lettuce, spinach and turnip greens, cheese, liver, and cereals
Check with your local market for the recommended daily intake of vitamin K.
Safety Evidence
Vitamin K is manufactured in the stomach, and is widely available in food. Deficiency in this vitamin is very uncommon.
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